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Search our Staff Directory

Looking for someone? This searchable directory of all of our staff makes it easy for you to connect. Search by keyword (example: music or counselor), first or last name, or simply use the "Departments" drop-down box to find everyone in a department. Happy searching!

1 2 3 6 > showing 1 - 9 of 54 constituents

Sandra Aguilara Huerta

Titles: QUEST Assistant Program Coordinator
Departments: QUEST

Paige Bagshaw

Titles: Assistant Principal
Departments: Administration

Krista Bechtol

Titles: Kindergarten Teacher
Departments: Kindergarten

Carolina Blanco

Titles: Dual Immersion Teacher
Departments: 4th Grade

Gina Bonilla

Titles: Dual Language Immersion Assistant
Departments: Teacher Assistant

Mariana Brenes Maleano

Titles: Dual Immersion Teacher
Departments: Kindergarten

Margy Butterfield

Titles: Music Teacher
Departments: Music

Ashley Campbell

Titles: Second Grade Teacher
Departments: 2nd Grade

Sarah Canter

Titles: School Nutrition
Departments: School Nutrition